A4 color print
image size: 5.25 X 7 cm
image size: 5.25 X 7 cm

What started as a dick-database, collected via Chatroulette and later via Manroulette, became a broader survey of virtual reality.
“My Cock Collection” is a massive database that I have created during 2010 – 2012.
What started as a dick-document, collected via Chatroulette and later via Manroulette, became a broader survey of virtual reality.
“My Cock Collection” is a massive database that I have created during 2010 – 2012.
What started as a dick-document, collected via Chatroulette and later via Manroulette, became a broader survey of virtual reality.
What is a “Chat-Roulette”? The Idea is simple: Once logged into a certain web-page, people around the world are able to activate their webcams and randomly see and be seen by another party anywhere on the planet, free of charge and free of social appearance restrictions. Everyone is welcome regardless of age, gender, race etc. Furthermore, since there is no content control, people can do whatever they want in front of their cameras.
The Chatroulette concept became globally known when a bright kid from Russia launched the website “Chatroulette.com” in 2010. The new innocent social platform was a big hit everywhere and people from all around the world took part in it. Before long it became a sexual platform that served as an endless digital cruising space. The social and cultural implications were overwhelming and interesting. In the same screen and within a time frame of a few seconds, one could see an 80 year old man talking, a six year old kid eating and a teenage girl masturbating, one after another.
Although all types of individuals had the power to decide what they will do and show in front of others, there was one group that took over the majority of the visual content that was seen on this platform – Dicks. The climate in Chatroulette fascinated me and I have decided to explore and challenge the relations between Photography, Masculinity and Sexuality in the digital era; among many other subjects such as privacy, exploitation and consent.